Annual Mission Adventure to Chico, CA
Serving the homeless and growing closer to Jesus at the same time.
Enjoy stories of God moving in the lives of students on our annual mission trip serving the homeless in Chico, CA. During the 4-day adventure, students from all over the basin grew in their understanding of God's love for them while demonstrating His love to those less fortunate. Jesus uses people just like you to help make these moments a reality. If you want to get involved, let us know.
“You are alone.” “You can do it on your own.” “It’s too late for you.” “Just die.” “You’re a failure.” “Nobody cares.” “You’re ugly inside and out.” “You have to be perfect.”
“Jesus is enough.” “I AM always with you.” “He loves me enough to die for me.” “You are loved, forgiven and blessed.” “You are made in the image of God.” “His strength is made perfect in weakness.”
“God You have brought me through so much. Many struggles, pain, and fear. Your faithfulness is evident. You have seen me through loss, disappointments, failures, and changes. I don’t know why You allow me to deal with such fear and anxiety. I feel like You are silent. I feel numb. I feel like I am drowning in fear and. But I know You are there. I know You love me even in my failures.
"I hide my guilt, my sadness and my loneliness." "Perfectionism" "I fool people that I am happy, joyful, kind and positive." "I act like I can handle it all but I can't." "I hide from God and from other people even though I want to be seen and known." "I hid behind a smile. I won't reach out to anyone. I'm terrified of what people will think." "I have it all together."
“God thank You for being with me through my parent’s divorce and all that chaos. Thank You for being with me through everything I have been through. Thank You for walking with me into an unknown future.”

Student's prayers to the LORD.
Psalms written in Chico
“To my Father, my God. I know it’s my fault. You’ve been here since the beginning. But I’ve been distant. I use You like a tool, not as my Savior. I make no effort to be with You, yet blame You for my troubles and failures. In reality, it’s all on me. Help me God. I want to be serious about You. My life is Yours.”

Psalms of Lament Students Wrote To God.
"Jesus please heal my pain."
“God, I feel like You hate me. I feel like You want nothing to do with me. Why do I not feel Your presence anymore? It's like You left me. I pretend my relationship with You is awesome, it's not. I've been hiding my feelings and struggles for so long I feel numb to everything. Nothing effects me anymore, good or bad. I need You now. I can't live this life anymore. I hate life. Sometimes I just don't want to live anymore. Please help!”