Annual Mission Adventure to Chico, CA
Serving the homeless and growing closer to Jesus at the same time.
Enjoy stories of God moving in the lives of students on our annual mission trip serving the homeless in Chico, CA. During the 4-day adventure, students from all over the basin grew in their understanding of God's love for them while demonstrating His love to those less fortunate. Jesus uses people just like you to help make these moments a reality. If you want to get involved, let us know.
“I don’t belong.” “I am a failure.” “I am not wanted. I am worthless.” “The world would be better off without you. Kill yourself.” “God doesn’t care about you. He doesn’t love you.”
“God has forgiven me.” “You are not alone.” “I will always belong to Jesus.” “Jesus is enough.” “Jesus can heal me and my life.”
“God You have brought me through so much. Many struggles, pain, and fear. Your faithfulness is evident. You have seen me through loss, disappointments, failures, and changes. I don’t know why You allow me to deal with such fear and anxiety. I feel like You are silent. I feel numb. I feel like I am drowning in fear and. But I know You are there. I know You love me even in my failures.
“I hide behind a mask of a perfect life. Perfect grades, perfect family, perfect clothes. Always happy and a “perfect Christian”. But I am none of those things.”
“God, You saved me from the dark pit of anxiety and depression. There was no way out and You met me there and preserved my life. You are lifting me out of the pit one step at a time.”
Student's prayers to the LORD.
"I am believing God for..."
“...finding me in my mess.” “...not leaving me after I rejected You.” “...a life better than I dreamed or imagined.” “...deliverance from fear and anxiety.” “...never giving up on me.” “...deliverance from my eating disorder.”
Psalms of Lament Students Wrote To God.
"Jesus please heal my pain."
"Jesus, I struggle with anger and I need help controlling it. I know I can come to You and take it all off because I now have Your Spirit in me.” "Thank You for all You’ve done for me in the past. Please help me again. I feel like I’m the ugliest person in this room. I feel worthless. I feel unwanted. I feel unloved. I feel unimportant. I feel like I have no room to be alive. Sometimes I just want to run away, but I don’t want to be that way. Please help me. I am trusting You with this.” "I am scared my family is going to split up. I am scared I won't have a family in 10 years. I am angry at my mom for not being home. Lord, I trust that You will help my life get better."
A Psalm of Praise One Student Wrote
"O Lord You are my God"
"O Lord You are my God. You have always been faithful and You always will. O Lord, You are my God. You have given me new life and abundantly. O Lord You are my God. You have shed Your blood and You covered my sin. O Lord, You are my God.”