The first annual Parent Life, “Mommy & Me” summer retreat for teen moms and babies was held July 20-22 at the Running Y Resort. Our theme was, “The God Who Sees Me” taken from Hagar’s story in Genesis 16. We spent 2 nights and 2 days caring for teen moms and sharing Jesus with them. We spent time talking about women of the Bible and how Jesus saw, valued and met them. My desire for our time together was to let these young moms know they are seen, they are valuable, and they are loved. We listened to them, cried with them, laughed with them and spoke life to them. It was amazing and humbling to see them experience being treated like the treasures they are for the first time in their lives.

The girls genuinely entered into relationship with each other and wanted to hear each other’s stories. One mom who recently had a stillborn baby chose to come. It was both painful AND beautiful to watch the transformation in her as she held another mom’s baby and cherished that child. The smile on her face was beautiful and I truly believe the healing in her grief has begun because she felt safe, loved, and seen. We’re praising Jesus for all 4 teen moms. Would you pray with us for them to seek to understand who Jesus is, and make Him first in their lives?

Each teen mom noticed and shared their appreciation to all our volunteers for their love and service at the retreat. Getting spa treatments like a foot massage, neck massage, spa gift baskets and a personal journal from us made them smile. One mom commented she has never really had “girlfriends” to experience these things with but always wanted it. Another commented she had always wanted to get her hair done at a salon and was so excited to receive a free haircut from a local salon owner who donated one to each girl. These are things we take for granted; but they appreciated them and were so very happy to be cherished. The best gift, however, was one mom did not have a Bible, and since we bring extras, she was able to use one and asked if she could keep it! Please pray she continues to open her Bible and seek the face of Jesus. Your love and financial support have made this special time for our teen moms possible and we are all very grateful. I am confident our teen moms now know they are seen, that they are loved and that they are of great value not just to us, but most importantly to Jesus.